RCIA AND RCIY 2021/2022: Come & See
Jesus turned around, saw them following… “Come and see” he replied; so they went and saw where he lived, and stayed with him the rest of that day.’ – John 1: 37-39
Do you know of anyone who is interested in embarking on a journey of faith? Or perhaps are you feeling a stirring in your heart and is seeking answers to questions, or even peace in your struggles? We invite you to come and join us in our RCIA or RCIY.
RCIY journey (13 – 23 years old)
‘Come and See’ Session
Date: Sun 27 June 2021
Time: 10.15am – 12.30pm
Sessions start: Sun 4 July 2021 (Every Sunday, 10.15am – 12.30pm)
Venue: St Jerome (Parish Center, Level 2)* | Enquire: rciy@sfxchurch.sg
RCIA Journey (24 years old and above)
Sessions start: Tue 6 Jul 2021 (Every Tue, 8pm – 10pm)
Venue: St Jerome (Parish Center, Level 2)*
Enquire: rcia@sfxchurch.sg
*Subject to change