Rosary Booklet
Rosary Booklet - General
Contains the joyful, sorrowful, glorious and luminous mysteries
Rosary Booklet - Special Intention
For the intentions of families, healing, pro-life, souls in purgatory and vocations

Archbishop Goh reflects on the Gospel for the day. We are invited to encounter God through the spirit of prayer and the scripture by reflecting and praying the Word of God daily. The reflections are not archived so that we are able to focus and pray deeply with the current reflections instead of reading through the reflections like a book. The ultimate purpose is to lead you to a deeper union and intimacy with the Lord. (adapted from the source)
Read faith stories or participate in archdiocesan-wide events, projects or Masses. The site is also home to official statements and notices about the Singapore Archdiocese. The church is not just our parish, it's bigger, in fact it's universal (:

An initiative by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore to support Catholic parents in their role as the first catechists of their children’s faith. Access faith formational resources such as activity sheets, videos and articles to help you engage and guide your children! Visit parents.catholic.sg today and share this resource with other parents!

24/7 access to the truth, beauty and meaning of the Catholic Faith anytime, anywhere…..with FORMED. The videos and content are accessible via your computer, tablet or smartphone. Informative and inspiring teaching from renowned speakers Dr Scott Hahn, Dr Edward Siri, Bishop Robert Barron, Dr Tim Gray, Father Michael Gaitley, Teresa Tomeo….and many more programmes for personal formation as well as small study groups.
For access:
1. Go to www.sfxchurch.formed.org
2. Find 'St Francis Xavier Singapore'
3. Create a personal account with your user name/email and password

Vatican News and Official Statements
The official site to access the latest news from the heart of the Church. The site features the Pope's homilies, official statements, encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and more!
Evangelii Gaudium: Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World
Amoris Laetitia: Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on love in the family
Gaudete et exsultate: Apostolic Exhortation on the call to holiness in today's world

Counselling Services by FLS
Need to talk to someone? Family or marital issues? Personal challenges and need a listening ear to clarify? Or parenting challenges that require a little empowerment? Family Life Society therapists are committed to help, affirm, journey with and support all who come to us with difficulties regardless of background, race or religious belief. Apart from focusing on family and marital issues, FLS also offers support on pregnancy crisis related issues.
A team of professional counsellors provide support to those facing personal, marital and family issues. Call 64880278 for an appointment.

Legal Aid
Catholic Lawyers Guild
Pro Bono | Legal Clinics | Mediation
Catholic Lawyers Guild (CLG) Pro Bono Clinics are for the financially poor and disadvantaged, regardless of religious faith or nationality.
• Family Issues • Estate • Employment • Personal Accident/Injury • Tenancy Disputes • Monetary Claims • Motor and Industrial Accident Claims
You must be facing a legal issue of a personal matter*, for which legal advice has not been sought before, and be unable to afford a lawyer.
*CLG does not provide advice on legal issues in business / professional matters.
Register online or email our CLG’s Administrator at admin@clgsingapore.com to register for an appointment. In order for CLG lawyers to assist you better, please provide information/background of your legal matter, and any documents relating to your legal issue. Your case will be assigned to one of CLG’s volunteer lawyers, who will contact you for your scheduled appointment.