A disciple must not only keep the faith and live it, but also profess it, confidently bear witness to it and spread it (CCC 1816)
By our baptism, we are called to be disciples of Jesus, to live out our priestly, prophetic and kingly roles. We need to pray and intercede for others, proclaim the truth and lead others to God. We first become disciples, by encountering Jesus and following Him. We then make disciples, by reaching out to others and helping them encounter Jesus. This is a lifelong journey and is the fundamental work of the universal Church.
In our parish, we are made up of communities that together, with our various gifts and charisms, are called to be disciples that make disciples.
*Click on 'read more' to find out more about the community.
1Cor12 Communities
1Cor12 is a reflection of the diversity that make up the Body of Christ. We have 8 member communities. Our members come from all life stages and vocations - student, working adult, married couples and families (17-35 years old). Despite our diversity, each community shares the same mission to form, encourage and support Christian discipleship. We do so by partaking in christian lives built on these six pillars: Discipleship, Partaking of the Sacraments, Sharing of the Word, Prayer and worship (including Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament), Community living (including fellowship) and Evangelization and Mission... Read more
"Everyone is poor enough to receive and rich enough to give." Anawim is a Hebrew word from the Old Testament. It describes the “poor in spirit” who remained faithful to God. Mary was the first perfect Anawim. It is a name we have given ourselves as 10-12 Catholics came together in 2014, the Year of the New Evangelisation. In the midst of a world that seems to suggest more and more that God is not relevant and/or that we can do without Him, we want to experience and find relevance in our Faith today... Read more
Altar Servers
We believe that we can radiate Christ to others not just at the altar as we serve, but also in our daily lives. Open to boys 9-20 years old, we serve at least 1 weekday & 1 weekend Mass per week as well as at wedding and funerals, starting with a spiritual preparation before each Mass. Additionally, we meet once in 2 weeks, attend a yearly retreat, and fellowship during the holidays... Read more
Bible Apostolate Team (BAT)
We aim to promote the love for and the knowledge of the Bible as the living word of God. through the understanding of scripture, we foster the conversion of heart, and the building of communities of faith, founded on the word of God. We run about 2 to 3 courses a year, averaging 10 to 14 weeks per course on Wed, 8pm to 10pm. Members can help in different ways such as program organiser, facilitators for discussions, logistics and A/V support, annually there is also a 3 day stay-in retreat... Read more
Living the Faith Everyday (LiFE)
LiFE means Living the Faith Everyday. It evangelises and renews Catholics who seek to experience a deeper relationship with God. The goals of LiFE are 3 fold; Discipleship; Community Building and; making a difference in the world. LiFE uses light and friendly video talks in presentation but powerful in substance. The videos are usually about 6 talks in each module. LiFE modules are held once a year. There are small group discussions that follow each talk. Come and experience LiFE... Read more
Our belief is that catechesis is not just about sacramental preparation for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation; rather, it is part of an initiation of a young person into the entire Christian life, which culminates with initiation for community and mission. A catechist's goal always is to set hearts aflame for Christ. Many things can take place at a typical session, from breaking the Word to craft sessions to sharing time. There may also be times when we meet for fellowship, and to attend retreat or day of recollection... Read more
We organise activities to help people yield to the power of the Holy Spirit and activate His gifts for the service of others. There are weekly Charismatic sessions which consists of praise and worship, followed by a talk, prayer for healing, Bible sharing or Mass... Read more
Children's Liturgy
Each Sunday, we celebrate the order of the Mass (Liturgy of the Word) and break the Word in an age appropriate manner with the children, so that they understand and be enriched in their awareness of God's love, the humanity of Jesus and the seasons of the Church. We are on duty every Sunday (except during school holidays) and preparation meetings occur once a month. We also plan and conduct children-specific events for key feast days/occasions (Advent, Christmas, Children's Day)... Read more
Communion Ministers
Communion Ministers, are appointed by the Parish Priest and commissioned to assist the Priests to distribute Holy Communion during Mass and bring the Holy Eucharist to the sick or homebound Parishioners... Read more
Elders Group
The SFX Elders, as we are called, is one of the Ministries of the Catholic Church of St. Francis Xavier, Singapore. We were formed on 23 July 1993 to help our senior parishioners age gracefully in an environment of faith, friendship and fun while maintaining our fitness for as long as possible. These 4 Fs help our members have a wholesome life. We gather on Thursdays in the church canteen for social activities such as line dancing, mahjong, Rummy-O and other games. During these weekly sessions, we pray and intercede for our own families and for the parish... Read more
Intercessory Prayer Group
The Intercessory Prayer Ministry, formed in May 2019, brings together a group of prayer warriors, who gather every week to give praise, worship, supplication and thanksgiving to God our Father, His Ever-Living Son Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, as well as through the intercession of our Blessed Mother... Read more
Infant Baptism
We believe secure families are the bedrock of society and bring to light the importance of unity in Christian homes. Through the sharing of our own joys and struggles of bringing up our children in a Catholic environment as parents & godparents, we strive to enlighten the families to make disciples of their little ones who will be our church of the future & reach out to families seeking baptism for their young ones. Infant baptism and preparation occur every first and second Sunday of the odd month... Read more
Lectors are not mere reciters or readers. We play a fundamental role in the liturgy. We believe in spiritual preparation as much as technical practice. Studying the readings that we proclaim, reflecting on them, and praying for humble empowerment, to connect with the congregation and draw them closer to God, are as important to us as enunciating our words and projecting our voices well. That is why every lector is expected to go through these rigorous processes before he or she stands at the lectern to proclaim at Mass.. Read more
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is an international association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, have formed themselves into a legion for apostolic services.
Led by Mother Mary, our aspiration is driven by humility, obedience and self-sacrifice for the love of God. We meet on Mondays at 8pm with Br Ambrose Heng of the Brothers of Mercy as the Spiritual Director... Read more
Liturgical Music
The goal and purpose of the Liturgical Music Ministry is to heighten the Word of God through music and provide beauty to the liturgy through music. We serve as a ministry to the congregation seeking to provide appropriate music for prayer, reflection and meditation. The Parish of Saint Francis Xavier has four choirs that serve at its weekend Masses... Read more
Marketing and Media Ministry
With creativity and through the use of the media, we aim to help the community of SFX to grow closer as disciples so that they can go out as effective witnesses to the gospel. We are photographers, videographers, designers, writers, coordinators, editors, artists and media managers that seek to bless others with truth and beauty as God has blessed us. We give Him the glory by pointing to Him through the co-creation of various art forms, we are his instruments... Read more
Small Christian Communities (SCC)
We gather to break the Word of God together so as to support each other in our struggles to be faithful to the gospel and to encourage one another to serve the needs of others. We meet regularly, at least once a month in our homes, to break the Word. We also attend relevant talks, parish-wide events, and events involving the other SCCs... Read more
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA prepares participants to encounter Jesus and his Church in a personal way, and discern towards receiving the Sacraments of Christian Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. We start each June, and conclude at Easter. Lessons are every Tuesday, 8pm - 10pm. Companions journey with inquirers or candidates in the RCIA journey. Service Team Members help logistically and support in running the weekly sessions, we also support parish activities, plan the retreat, oversee canteen duty, etc... Read more
Rite of Christian Initiation of Youth (RCIY)
RCIY is a process that prepares youth and young adults to receive the sacraments of Christian initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist). The RCIY team journeys with youth between the ages of 13 to 23 who are keen to learn more about the Catholic faith and seeks to help them establish a relationship with God and become lifelong and joyful disciples of Jesus Christ... Read more
The Sacristan Ministry consist of a community of dedicated and committed members who are passionate in serving God and his people. The ministry ensures that masses are set up accordingly to the requirements of each specific mass. We believe that through the simple acts of the Sacristan work, the faithful are able to encounter the humbling presence and mercy of the Lord... Read more
Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP)
We seek the love of God through serving the poor and needy. Our vocation rests on two core principles : CONTINUING PRAYER (deepening our faith) and the MEETING WITH CHRIST through the poor. These principles have inspired us to serve the poor and needy with a deep respect, no matter where they come from, or what they believe, developing personal relationships with the people we visit... Read more
St Jerome Library
The St. Jerome Library is located at the ground floor of the Parish Centre and is open every Sunday from 8.30am to 12.30pm. We have a collection of over 1,500 books and DVDs for adults, young people and toddlers. Librarians peruse each book and catalogue them. There are also books and DVDs for younger readers and toddlers. We also organize two “book-club” sessions every year... Read more
St Pio Prayer Group
We pray for the faithfully departed parishioners of the catholic community, as we believe it is through prayers that we can help to bring more souls to God and especially so for the souls of the faithfully departed. We meet at night wakes of the faithfully departed to reflect on the Rosary or the Divine Mercy prayer...Read more
Wardens have the role of keeping good order, peace, and tranquillity for worship in Church. Wardens usher parishioners to seats during Mass, collect the offertory from parishioners during Mass, manage and direct movement of parishioners during Processions and Holy Communion during Mass, and manage and direct movement as well as parking of vehicles in church...Read more