THE LECTORS’ SOCIETY – formed since 1983
Our Mission Statement
To serve God and His Church, by proclaiming the Word at Holy Mass, contemplating Scripture, and living out the Gospel every day of our lives.
A Liturgical Ministry
Lectors are not mere reciters or readers. We play a fundamental role in the liturgy. We believe in spiritual preparation as much as technical practice. Studying the readings that we proclaim, reflecting on them, and praying for humble empowerment, to connect with the congregation and draw them closer to God, are as important to us as enunciating our words and projecting our voices well. That is why every lector is expected to go through these rigorous processes before he or she stands at the lectern to proclaim at Mass.
Journeying Together in Faith
The Lectors’ Society meets every 4th Thursday of the month (except in December). This is a commitment we make as fellow pilgrims and proclaimers, in order to support one another spiritually. Meetings begin with the enthronement of the Bible, Scripture readings, followed by small-group reflections and sharings on the Scripture passages for the coming Sunday Mass.
Time is also allocated for members to discuss parish activities, attend to administrative matters, and for feedback. Every meeting ends with a community fellowship over refreshments.
In 2001, the Youth Lectors wing was formed to provide young people from the ages of 15 to 20 the opportunity to deepen their faith through an understanding and appreciation of the Word. Led by a Youth Lector mentor, this small but dedicated group meets once a month on a Sunday.
Lector Leaders
There are 10 Executive Committee (ExCo) members within the Lectors’ Society. They are voted in every two years. ExCo members are responsible for planning the year’s spiritual formation and technical enhancements programmes for all members. The Lectors’ Society ExCo is made up of: President, Vice President, Secretary of Roster, Secretary of Minutes, Treasurer, Youth Lector Mentor, and four Word Circle Leaders.
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