Fostering Missionary Zeal
SiGN's Vision
To foster missionary zeal within Saint Francis Xavier parish to bring the hope of Christ to people overseas
SiGN's Mission
To proclaim the Gospel and serve God's People
SiGN's Values
Led by the Spirit, Fed by the Word
Gentle in Word, Humble in Deed.
Sowers in God’s Name (SiGN) was conceived on 5th September 2009, in the year of the Parish’s 50th anniversary celebrations. In Dec 2009, SiGN sent her first parish mission team to Cambodia which was quickly followed by 4 other exploratory mission trips to Cambodia, Philippines and Sabah. In April 2012, our parish decided to support the work of the Congregation of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FSIC) in Paitan, Sabah. More specifically, SiGN would support the kindergartens set up by FSIC for the children of Paitan, because we affirm their conviction that education is an agent of change – a change for a better future, and where better to start than with the children.
Since its inauguration, SiGN working with SFX parishioners have sent over 14 missions to Paitan resulting in over 50 SFX parishioners being exposed to overseas mission work and evangelisation.
In 2016, SiGN embarked on expanding its mission field by going to Myuang Myeik in Myanmar to support the work of a local priest (Fr. Benjamin) who started an orphanage there 25 years ago. Since then, SiGN has sent two mission teams to explore how we can support the local priest’s efforts in sustaining the children’s faith and education.
Other Information:
Article about SiGN by June Oei & Alfred Goh
Catholic News Article as appeared on World Mission Sunday
Quoting our Archbishop William Goh:
“… Social work and works of charity, whilst indispensable, should also include spiritual healing as well. Otherwise, Christian charity is reduced to the level of all other charities that other religions and humanitarian organisations do. The unique characteristic of Christian charity is that we offer the poor and sick not just material and physical support but also spiritual support. What man needs most in the final analysis is to encounter God’s love and human love.”
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