Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. (1 Cor 12:12)
1 Cor 12 is a reflection of the diversity that make up the Body of Christ. We have 8 member communities. Our members come from all life stages and vocations - student, working adult, married couples and families (17-35 years old). Despite our diversity, each community shares the same mission to form, encourage and support Christian discipleship. We do so by partaking in christian lives built on these six pillars
- Discipleship
- Partaking of the Sacraments
- Sharing of the Word
- Prayer and worship (including Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament)
- Community living (including fellowship)
- Evangelization and Mission
Each community meets on a weekday night to break the Word, and on Sunday for formation. Our communities aspire to be places where Christ's love reigns and thus, spaces where differences are respected, diversity is embraced, and togetherness is celebrated. Through daily journeying and prayer, we hope to build up and serve each other when we speak God's message of truth and forgiveness with clarity and conviction. Our communities also use our specific God-given talents to build our parish and the Kingdom of God through various parish activities.
Our 8 member communities are:
- Mustard Seed Community (MSC)
- Abiding in Christ Together (ACT)
- Leaven of God (LOG)
- Cornerstone (CS)
- Brothers and Sisters In Christ (BASIC)
- In One Spirit (IOS)
- Followers of Christ United Spiritually (FOCUS)
- Evidence of God's Grace (EGG)
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Come join us!
Everyone is welcomed in all communities. If you are looking for a Catholic community to discover and grow your faith and would like to find out more, do contact us at 1cor12@sfxchurch.sg