For booking of rooms, do access RBS. If in doubt/unclear, the admin will try to contact you, otherwise he/she has the right to cancel your booking. The admin may also reallocate you to ensure efficient use of rooms. You can refer to this guide for booking and all ministries are to adhere to prevailing Safety Management Measures.
Things to note before booking:
- Do not use it for personal meetings (e.g. studying, wedding logistics), the rooms may only be used for church purposes.
- Your name/contact details must be provided for verification purposes.
- For cancellation, please kindly log in to remove the slot.
- Keep the place clean and tidy, turn off the lights and aircon before locking the room then return the key to the Parish Office.
- Bookings are usually on a first come first serve basis, but do be charitable in sharing our church resources especially when scarce/limited. Priority should be given to parish-driven events.
- Your booking is confirmed upon entering it in the system, except for the Main Church/JPII Hall/Parish Hall which requires prior approval from the priests, the secretary will approve your booking 1-2 days after receiving it in the system.
- No bookings are allowed on public holidays, major parish events and retreats
Room & Equipment Policy
- All rooms have a designated setup.
- Everyone is responsible for ensuring the set inventory in each room is kept in place.
- Things cannot be removed. Things must be returned to their original location.
- Everything is owned centrally and maintained centrally.
- Disposal of all waste must be done after room usage. All trash has to be tied in a bag and thrown in a specific bin. Clean up after spillages.
- Do not leave your personal belongings in the Church.
- Rooms need to be booked in advance through Booking of rooms to be done at least 3 days in advance (excluding Fridays [after 6pm], Saturdays and Sundays). Such bookings will not be approved in time for the same weekend, especially the Main Church, John Paul II Hall, Chapel & Parish Hall @ L3. You will risk not having the EM doors opened for your usage.
- An identified person must be responsible for the keys, remotes, and room. These items are to be collected from the parish office reception during the opening hours.
- Equipment and rooms will be checked and maintained.
- All faults must be reported to the Parish Office, and faults will be followed up proactively.
- Upon a new booking, it will be made known to future users if a fault is still in place in the room.
- All equipment must be tagged and identified as part of the room.
- Activities held in the rooms must not conflict with the mission of the Church of St Francis Xavier. Mainly used for SFX Church sessions/gatherings.
- Smoking and eating are not permitted inside any facility. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited anywhere in the church facilities unless permission has been granted by the Parish Office.
- Pets (other than those assisting one with a disability) are prohibited in all rooms.
- Activities that generate significant outdoor noise are prohibited between the hours of 10pm to 8am.
- No signs/posters bulletins/pictures banners should be hung/tacked at the church premises unless permission to do so.
Let us be a good steward of the resources that have been provided for our use! 🙂