Booking of Masses: April 2022
Based on the latest Government announcements, myCatholic.sg Mass Booking System will be adjusted to encourage more parishioners to come back to church for Mass. Seating capacity for all weekend Masses will be increased to 450.
Beginning 1 April 2022:
Weekday Mass Bookings will be removed from the system. Churchgoers may attend Weekday Masses at ANY church. To ensure that the venue capacity limit is not breached, Mass attendees will be required to scan in their IDs on arrival so that their presence can be counted.
Masses for all important Feast days, Solemnity and Days of Obligation that fall on a WEEKDAY will require prior bookings as per weekend Masses. Announcements will be made ahead of time to inform the faithful when such special Mass Bookings are required.
For the Month of April, these weekday services will need Mass Bookings:
i. Holy Thursday – 14 April
ii. Good Friday – 15 April
Only one booking is allowed per person for these services, either at one’s registered church or at another church. Bookings made at a church other than one’s registered parish will only be available 3 days ahead of the Mass day.
The cap for Weekend Mass Bookings will be increased from 1 to 2 per booking session. This is regardless of whether booking is made at your registered parish or at another church.
With the increase in the Weekend Mass booking quota, there will only be 2 Booking Days for the month.
- The first Booking Day will have a quota for 3 Weekend Masses.
1 Mass for Holy Thursday (excluding Chrism Mass), 1 Service for Good Friday - The second Booking Day will be for 2 weekend in that month and 1 Chrism Mass (on a separate Tab)
All parishioners who wish to attend the Chrism Mass may book in the tab marked “Chrism Mass” in MyCatholic.sg. Chrism Mass will be held at the Church of the Holy Family on 14 April 2022, 10am. Booking for Chrism Mass will commence from 5 April 2022, 9am onwards on a first-come-first-served basis.
This will be made available on the following dates:
Date & time for booking | Timeframe of Masses | |
1. | 29 March (Tuesday) | First booking for Weekend Masses in April PLUS Holy Thursday and Good Friday.
Allowable Booking Quota: |
2. | 5 April (Tuesday) | Second booking for all balance Weekend Masses in April and CHRISM Mass (on separate Tab)
Allowable Booking Quota: |
Please note:
- Children aged 12 years and younger can participate in all Masses, regardless of their vaccination status.
- Allocation of Mass seats will be on a first-come-first-served basis, regardless of age.
- For Vaccinated-only Masses, proof of vaccination status will be checked upon entry.
- The seating capacity of churches will not be changed once the Booking cycle has begun unless the change is mandated by the Government’s Regulations.
- Those who have recovered from COVID-19 up to 180 days from the first positive Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test result obtained – will be permitted to book Vaccinated-only Masses.
- Persons who are medically certified as being ineligible for vaccination, and whose ineligible status is reflected in their TraceTogether or HealthHub records, will also be permitted to book the Vaccinated-only Masses.
Additionally, we would like to highlight that:
Mass booking priority will be given to registered parishioners of the respective churches. As such only registered parishioners will be able to view all Masses for the month. Booking days will prioritise parishioners to book for any day’s Masses in the month Non-registered parishioners wishing to book a Mass at a church outside his/her registered parish will only see a 3-day Mass schedule.
However, registered parishioners of these churches will be allowed to book for Masses at other parishes, subject to the 3-day advance booking Policy.
To be kept abreast of changes that may occur, please subscribe to SFX Telegram channel and check mycatholic.sg often for updates.
April Mass Timings
Weekday Masses:
Tue & Thu: 6.30pm
Wed & Sat: 6.30am
Fri: 8pm
Weekend Masses:
Sat: 5.30pm
Sun: 7am, 9am, 11am, 5.30pm
Holy Week
Maundy Thursday: 7.30pm (Livestreaming will be available via Youtube Channel)
Good Friday: 9pm, 12pm, 3pm
Easter Vigil: 7am, 9am, 11pm, 5.30pm (Livestreaming will be available via Youtube Channel)
Penitential Service
Date: Wed 6 Apr
Time: 8pm - 10.30pm (Main Church)
Booking via mycatholic.sg
Date: Mon 11 Apr
Time: 4pm - 6pm, 8pm - 10pm (JPII Hall)
Contact Parish Office for appointment
MAUNDY THURSDAY - Altar of Repose
No booking is required. Bring your identification card and TraceTogether App/Token. Check-in entry via Choir Entrance.
Time: 9pm - 10.30pm
Holy Hour
No booking is required. Bring your identification card and TraceTogether App/Token. Check-in entry via Choir Entrance.
Date: Wed 13 Apr
Time: 8pm - 9pm
Venue: Main Church
Things to note:
1. If you need to cough or sneeze, please do so with your mask ON.
2. If you need to remove your mask, ONLY do so OUTSIDE of the church
3. There are more locations for holy communion. After you receive the Body of Christ, step away to red X on the floor to consume the Body of Christ. Remember to re-mask before returning to your seat.
Please help inform your vaccinated friends and relatives of the following welcome changes,
- Free seating at all masses. Strictly no standing in church. As the church fills up, do follow wardens guidance to empty seats, to optimise church capacity.
- MASKED singing is now PERMITTED, so let's praise God together.
- When driving, do cooperate with our traffic wardens
- We would like to seek your cooperation to be on time for mass so that our volunteers may help you better and participate in the mass as well.
- When Mass is ended, you have 10min for your quiet prayer but must leave the church compound soon after, allowing the next congregation to come in
- Booking of Weekend and Feastday Mass is still needed via the online MARS system.
- Along with your NRIC, your vaccination status will still be checked, but no tickets issued.
- Please do note that for the weekday morning Masses, check-in will commence at 6:05am at Choir Entrance. All other Masses, check-in commences 40mins before Mass.
- Some Walk-INs will be allowed subject to church capacity.
Please share these updates with your fellow parishioners so all may return for the Holy Eucharist. God bless!