Four years into marriage and I still had not conceived. During those years, I had medical checkups and was actually told it was highly impossible that I would be able to conceive as I had some issue with my fallopian tubes. Being involved with the Catholic Charismatic Prayer group, and during those years having experienced the workings of our Lord in various situations, my husband and I continued to pray for the Lord’s blessings and surrendered to whatever His will may be for us.
In the fourth year of our marriage, we decided to go to Perth for a short break. Just before our trip, we attended the usual weekly charismatic prayer session. Strangely one of our prayer group leaders during the prayer session said of us (my husband and me), “you go as two but will be coming back as three”. We went to Perth, enjoyed the holiday and returned. We actually didn’t think much about what the prayer leader had said.
Guess what! Not long after our return, I found out that I was pregnant! On calculating back, it showed that I had really conceived in Perth. Wow! That was mind-blowing. Our Lord had blessed us with our son. Not only that, He blessed us with our daughter one year later. How!!! Only possible with the Lord. Praise be to God. Both our son and daughter are truly God’s gifts to us.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, know that our Lord is in control and has a plan for each one of us because sometimes we forget.
In the fourth year of our marriage, we decided to go to Perth for a short break. Just before our trip, we attended the usual weekly charismatic prayer session. Strangely one of our prayer group leaders during the prayer session said of us (my husband and me), “you go as two but will be coming back as three”. We went to Perth, enjoyed the holiday and returned. We actually didn’t think much about what the prayer leader had said.
Guess what! Not long after our return, I found out that I was pregnant! On calculating back, it showed that I had really conceived in Perth. Wow! That was mind-blowing. Our Lord had blessed us with our son. Not only that, He blessed us with our daughter one year later. How!!! Only possible with the Lord. Praise be to God. Both our son and daughter are truly God’s gifts to us.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, know that our Lord is in control and has a plan for each one of us because sometimes we forget.