Mass for the Sick with Anointing
In conjunction with our Parish Feast day, we invite all who are unwell to this special Mass with the Sacrament of Anointing. Come experience the “special grace on the Christian experiencing the difficulties inherent in the condition of grave illness or old age” (CCC 1527). Mass will be on Sun 27 Nov from 2pm - 4.30pm, Confessions from 1pm. Family and friends are also welcome to join in this special Eucharistic Celebration as we give support to them as a loving and prayerful community. Sign up at http://tinyurl.com/MFTS2022 by Sun 20 Nov 2022.
Volunteers are needed to provide transportation to and from church, and serving refreshments after Mass. Please register at http://tinyurl.com/MFTS2022Volunteers by Sun 6 Nov 2022.
Physical registration forms for mass attendance or to volunteer your services are available at:
- at the main entrance of the church
- next to the SSVP donation box outside JPII Hall
Completed forms can be dropped into the marked boxes in the respective locations.
For further enquires, you may contact 9622 0212 (Long) or 9099 0200 (Grace).